Pakistan Opinion Blog

Entries may be a little edited for clarity or brevity. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of PakPositive.

Of stories forgotten

JNS I happened on this very well research chronicle by chance. Interesting, seems to have some pretty endearingly obsure accounts such as Josh Malihabadi’s move to pakistan et. al. Thought other pakpositive diehards might be interested. PakPositive: Very indepth piece of work, indeed!


thanks for being there…I am tired of reading politics,war,religion…tired of all that. I was genuinly looking for some news of normal human beings, art, life…of both the sides.india and pakistan.PakPositive realy gave me a breathing space. It is not easy to stay focused when you do not speak/behave something explosive…it is a challange to live [...]

Lahore Metblog

I just wanted to let you guys know about this great metblog for lahore that we set up as part of an international community of local metblogs: The international community’s webpage is at Let me tell you a little bit about us: we are a group of 12 people from all over Lahore [...]

Karachi’s Burnes road to be declared food street

I was a bit amused to here that Burns road to be . Burnes road and several other roads and streets in Karachi have been the cradle of food culture in Pakistan before Independence ( Sorry Lahoris Yes its not Lahore) . Go in any corner of Karachi and you’ll find streets with array of [...]

who’s high here?

You guys must be high to see all the positive stuff and ignore the bad. You guys on something? Danny Boy PakPositive: The question is, what takes you so low?

Karachi’s North Nazimabad – The Most Literate Pakistani Town

I am realy glad to hear this news about North Nazimabad. I was born in De silva town and lived for almost 27 years in the area. I can still recall students waiting for Karachi Uni, Ned Uni, Dowood College, Sind Medical and Dow Medical bus point in morning. Infact a friend of mine told [...]

Government should not ignore Multimedia field

Definitely, Pakistan needs high quality professional for all fields. But, I observed HEC and government are ignoring one very important field of ICT – Multimedia. Multimedia industry has been become a billion dollar industry over the years. It includes videos, Movies, 3D animation, Visualization, Simulation, Graphics application, Games etc etc. Only gaming industry is generating [...]

This is what I was looking for…

First of all being a student of Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction, this website is just awesome. It is a best example of good design. This website is so simple, easy to use, and focused. Secondly It depict the image of Pakistan positively. The dominated media is not very fair with Pakistan these days [...]

This site I really Liked

I am from India!! and finally found a site which gives me some better depth and understanding about your country.. It is very true that.. searching news on Pakistan these days on the web .. is very extremist.. and dont get a true picture…the landscapes and country side photographs were great… We 2 coutries are [...]

Hi from India – II

Hi again As I mention in last opinion that Pakistani people are Reluctant to accept new culture and technology in their day to day life” it’’s true. Take the example of your website section FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions in which you himself mention that Indian media is “”simply ubiquitous”” on internet and the rezone [...]