Pakistan Opinion Blog


Entries may be a little edited for clarity or brevity. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of PakPositive.

Great job !
I was going through your website and i could not help but be impressed at your liberal and unbiased attitude towards the Indo-PAk situation, and also on issues regarding religion, politics, sports etc. This is a very progressive attitude and i wish u all the best in ur future endeavours… My name is Anirudh Hariani and i am currently residing in Mumbai India.
Anirudh Hariani

I am thrilled
I just discovered this website and I am absolutely thrilled by it. There is a dire need for Pakistanis to see Pakistan for what it is; a land of unlimited potential where people do wonders with limited resources. I hope your web site will help us all to think of Pakistan and Pakisttanis in a positive, optimistic and productive manner.
Omar Chughtai