Pakistan Opinion Blog

Youngest Pakistani Microsoft Professional

Entries may be a little edited for clarity or brevity. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of PakPositive.

I n ofcourse every Pakistani is simply joyous on this marvellous achievement , the nine year old Arifa Randhawa , made , it surely makes us a proud nation, but , what i want to acknowledge here is , im sure there are thousands and may be millions of kids and teenagers , who are capable of doing wonders in one field or another, n may be just lagging behind because of financial back up or right oppertuninties, what we need is to pick up the talent from schools and to promote and give equal oppertuninties, which can only be done by sincere efforts, and recommendations,not only by the government , but also by the philanthropists. The rising issue of brain drain can only be tackled in this way.
