Karachi Minibuses for Egyptian Island Resort
Chairman of Orascom Hotels Samih Swairis was so enthralled by the beautiful colours of the minibuses plying on the Karachi city roads that he requested to arrange few for his resort in Elgouna Island picnic resort near Cairo city. The deco body formation of these buses started in July 2007 and completed on November 7, 2007. “Initially we have arranged two 24 seats minibuses and may receive further request of more buses if it would be liked in Egypt,” an official of bus exporting company said adding, “sole purpose of this special job was to promote Pakistani culture and improve the image of the country abroad.” A local vendor M/s Gulzar Chamakpatti Maker decorated these buses and he did a fabulous job and decorated the buses like a bride. He said the net cost of one bus is almost $45,000 including the freight also and all paid in advance by Orascom. The minibuses were shipped by Dubai Express will be received in Alexandria-Egypt on December 11, 2007.