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Unncessary Lab Tests Ordered by Doctors
I have recently started practising medicine in Pakistan and I was surprised at a comment made by one of my patients. He asked me why did I not order a bunch of lab tests and x-rays for his neck pain.

I explained to him that he did not need any more tests. If seven x-rays didn't show a fracture, what are the chances eighth will show one.

He was very disappointed and told me that he was not happy with my consult if I didn't write him more tests and x-rays.

I believe patients are brain washed by some doctors who take kick backs from certain labs that if a long list of tests are not done their life is in serious danger.

I strongly believe that if physicians take their time to talk to the patients and do a decent examination, they can easily eliminate useless tests and can only request a few tests to confirm their diagnosis.

I also suggest that patients should ask their doctors why a certain test is ordered and what is the thought process behind it. An educated patient can significantly reduce his/her health care spending. x-ray lab test