Spending little on health
People will only go to the doctor when they have tried all the self medications and a few tricks from their Hakeem and the disease is at its final stage. Then they expect miracles from their doctors.
"My God that's too much" was the response of my patient when I told her about my fee.
She had earlier walked in to my clinic wearing an expensive looking dress, at least a millions rupees worth of jewellery and a touch of finely done make up.
She had uncontrolled diabetes and had refused to do �too many� tests or buy a glucometre to monitor her blood sugar since she had no money at all for these kind of expenses.
Later on I was thinking why people spend hundreds of thousands of rupees on show off items but will not spend a fraction of that amount on their health which is the most important factor in improving their socio-economic status.
So folks please visit your doctors regularly and spend a few pennies on your own health for the sake of your well being and social status.medicine doctor clinic www.pakpositive.com