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Abusing healthcare for the poor
I have recently returned from abroad and noticed the shocking state of health care in Pakistan.

During my recent visit to PIMS Islamabad to see a doctor friend, I noticed people from all walks of life trying to get free health care supposedly reserved by the government for the needy and the poor only.

I saw people driving Toyota, Honda and other expensive cars parking their vehicles and trying to see the specialist for pennies while in the same line waiting with them were the beggars, widows, orphans and dirt poor folks.

I feel this is a shameful exploitation of the resources which if used properly are enough to take care of poor Pakistanis.

I suggest that free health care services( for nominal charges if at all any) in PIMS, poly Clinic and others institutes like that should be reserved for the carriers of Zakat cards, Benazir card or some other form of identification only that prove this neediness.

This will weed out the needy from the rich that try to exploit the system.Rest of us can pay the regular fee to see the doctor of our choice.

Any comments or other suggestions to fix this abuse of the system are welcome.

pims hospital