Pakistan Opinion Blog

Your website has a long way to go to improve

Entries may be a little edited for clarity or brevity. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of PakPositive.

I think your intent is genuine, unique and positive. There is a great need for news that depicts Pakistan in more rounded fashion, and to bring ‘pride’ to our nation. Having said that, I would like to say that your website has a long way to go to improve. Please stop cutting and pasting any news article that seem ‘positive’ about Pakistan, without considering the political affects of it. Most Indian newspaper, who highlight human interest stories on Pakistan, overall subvertly ridicule our society or see it in an India dominated narrow perspective.

Also, most news segment do not contain a positive Pakistan. Instead, countless number of editorials, travel logs, commentaries, that appear on international and Pakistani newspaper reflect an overall general scene of the country. These ‘non-news’ segment that you overlook, have bulk of the ‘positive Pakistan’ that is more genuinely reflectant of the Pakistani image, and it’s society. (and most of it is in Pakistani newspapers.) For example Jang’s online Instep, or some other segment should be highlighted as well.You can also give a special coverage to Pakistan’s potential for softpower, containing editorial, views, perspectives, or news items. For the “Positive Pakistan” abroad, is the one that is packed with plenty of softpower.

Aisha Khanam

PakPositive: Thanks! Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of feedback (some ridiculously nasty, some simply unintelligible to publish) similar to what you have expressed, so I have decided to address it via your nicely articulated letter.

Unfortunately, you seemed to have missed the point – or perhaps have taken the “Pak Positive” name too literally. I am not on any crusade to “bring pride to our nation”. This is neither a “news coverage” site, nor a “softpower” generator. This is my blog where I post news and opinion about Pakistan that I like, and some people find it interesting to read it (there is no compulsion to visit it). There is also no intentional effort to “genuinely reflect Pakistan’s image”, etc. As a matter of fact, I blog out of my own frustrations with what’s generally happening in Pakistan and how it is covered in the world press, not how Pakistan should be covered. Best regards.