Pakistan Opinion Blog

Pakistan Economy Shows 8.4 Percent Growth

Entries may be a little edited for clarity or brevity. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of PakPositive.

It’s wonderful that Pakistan is making great economic strides!! But at the same time we need to know what that 8.4% growth can really mean. It can mean 8.4% more air pollution. It can mean 8.4% more river wastes. It can mean 8.4% more respiratory problems among urban city dwellers. It can actually mean 8.4% more of many other negative things–but the point isn’t to list them. The point is that Pakistan NEEDS to pay attention to its enviornmental degradation. The Pakistani government has never paid much attention to deforestation, air pollution, raw sewage problems, or urban landscaping. Let’s be an economic success story like China or India…but let’s not be an enviornemntal disaster like China or India either!!!! Just because Pakistan is a developing country doesn’t mean that it cannot support a healthy enviornmental program! That’s just the excuse past governments have made to avoid the issue. That’s why it’s my pleasure to annouce that the World Trade Organization has threatened to place higher tariff barriers on Pakistani exports in 2005 if certain BASIC enviornmental standards are not achieved. This could result in economic jeopardy for Pakistan if the standards are not. But thank God…the Pakistani government is finally thinking of ways to improve the enviornmental situation. So…the next time you say “Pakistan Zindabad” make sure you add “WTO Zindabad” as well! ;)

Tree Hugger

PakPositive: Can’t say I disagree with you on any of the points. Speaking of which, I just posted this item regarding CNG :)