Pakistan Opinion Blog

Truly amazing

Entries may be a little edited for clarity or brevity. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of PakPositive.

Wow! This site is truly amazing! I am a Californian whose parents are originally Pakistani, but I am living in Islamabad for the past couple of years while I do my MBBS here.

I really love your site. Thank you so much for making something like this for the rest of the world to see. I have seen that most Pakistanis tend to only use the internet for ** or MSN Chat rather than doing anything else productive with their skills, and to see your site, so beautifully designed and created is definitely wonderful!

Keep up the great work and more and more people will find out about this for sure! Congratulations again on a job well done!

Rehan S. Alvi

PakPositive: Sad but true. Somehow “heera mandi” is this month’s highest search engine query to Pak Positive.