Pakistan Opinion Blog

Pakistani firms answer call for cell phones

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From: Irfan Khan
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 20:10:32 +0500
Subject: Pakistani firms answer call for cell phones
[with thanks to "Pak Positive" for the
August 18, 2004
Pakistani firms answer call for cell phones Tens of thousands of Pakistanis endured hours of stifling heat this week to accept an offer of free mobile phone connections, a sign of the pent-up demand in a country where cell phone usage has remained low. But that may soon change. While only about 4.5 million of Pakistan’s 150 million people currently have mobile phones, industry executives say fierce competition and cheaper technologies are forcing prices down to eye-catching levels…
Read entire article…

Irfan Khan

PakPositive: Now that’s the kind of a concerned, credit-giving & sincere reader who makes all this worthwhile! Thank you!